Waupaca Chain O' Lakes District
A Protection and Rehabilitation District
Waupaca Chain O’Lakes District (WCOLD)
The WCOLD was formed in 1991. It is an independent governmental body that can levy taxes, enter into contracts, obtain loans, accept grants and state aid, monitor water quality and treat aquatic plants. The Lake District is managed by a seven-member Board of Commissioners. Commissioners are responsible for coordinating lake research and surveys, planning lake rehabilitation projects, working with government units to enact lake protection plans and ordinances, and implementing decisions of the Board. Membership is mandatory for owners of properties within District boundaries and funding is from grants and property taxes.
The reconstruction of the channel between Columbia and Dake Lakes was the Lake District’s first major project. With the aid of a DNR grant, the second major project was the purchase and demolition of the motel across from the Indian Crossing Casino. The land was donated to the Waupaca County Park system. The Lake District has applied for and received DNR grants for Aquatic Invasive Species education and treatment and will continue to apply for additional DNR grants for lake projects.